Premium Perks

🌟 Discover our Non-Pay2Win perks and rewards! 🌟

Limited Duration New

These perks only last a certain amount of days can can be renewed from the same menu once expired.

Description Duration Price
Ability to toggle PMs (block incoming messages) 14 days 100
Ability to toggle adverts (reduce chat spam) 14 days 100
Golden Premium nametag & icon 14 days 250
Custom typing icon (flags, colorful icons) 14 days 180
Unique radio station stream on the server 30 days 150

Permanent New

These perks can be redeemed spontaneously or be kept forever (no expiration date).

Description Price
Change username 295
Instant 15 hours played 200
Custom phone number (6 digits min, 2 different digits) 500
Custom phone number (4 digits min) 600
Unique Phone hotline for your faction 1000
Custom colored badge for your faction 1000
Bypass map request object limit (one-time use) 500
Purchase a textured billboard or sign to advertise in the world 250
Purchase a custom vehicle mod (only obtainable by you) 2800
Personalized vehicle licence plate 300
Increase interior slots 250 per slot
Increase vehicle slots 295 per slot
Increase character slots 250 per slot
Increase custom skin slots 150 per slot
Transfer assets between your characters 1300 per transfer